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[PS3] 《无名英雄2|infamous2》BETA注册,玩家参与任务和关卡设计

发表于 2011-3-22 11:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Want to become Famous? Want to become a Mission Designer and have your mission appear in inFAMOUS 2? As promised, here are the juicy details of how to participate in the inFAMOUS 2 Limited Release User Generated Content (UGC) Beta.想要成名么? 想要变成任务的设计者么? 想要你做的关卡出现在《无名英雄2》里么?  像承诺的那样,这有更详细的细节去告诉你们如何去参与这个活动。Potential candidates can sign up at inFAMOUSthegame.com starting on Monday March 14th at 12pm Noon Pacific Time using the “Sign Up for the UGC Beta” link on the front page. The sign-up period will only last for one week, ending March 21st at 2pm Pacific, so don’t miss your chance to create. Using what can only be described as “voodoo magic,” we will select a group of lucky winners to participate in the Beta Test, starting April 12th. The ambitious and talented Mission Designers that are selected will be emailed a golden ticket, which is technically called a Beta Voucher, in early April. The Beta Vouchers will be sent out in phases, so if you do not get one immediately, you may receive one later on. Don’t let it get spam-filtered out, because it’s the only way you can get in!在3月14日12点钟,有机会的人都可以去到 inFAMOUSthegame.com里的 “Sign Up for the UGC Beta”链接中去注册。注册时间只开放一周,会在3月21号2点结束,所以一定不要浪费这次机会。 我们将会抽签决定,找一些幸运的人去参加我们的beta测试,会在4月12号开始。在4月初,那些被选中的有雄心壮志和有天分的关卡设计者会受到一张黄金邮件,就是参加beta的凭证。那些单子会分时段送出去,所以说如果你没有马上收到邮件,有可能会晚一点。 不要把它当垃圾邮寄啊,因为这是你唯一的机会去参加beta。All the legal requirements are available here. Read them, know them, live them, because you wouldn’t want your mission to not make the cut due to a technicality. That would be weak. For instance: Did you know that, even if you already registered to the website, you will need to re-register? See what I mean? You didn’t. Neither did I, but it is a legal requirement. You need to register your email on the registration page, by clicking the cleverly titled checkbox that says “Enter me into the UGC Beta Program Sweepstakes.”所有的法律需要都会显示。一定要把它们搞懂,因为你不想发生一些技术上的小失误,这很操 蛋。 举个例子,加入已经注册到网站,还需要在注册么?还有  在注册时输入邮箱,有3个打钩的选项,要选 “Enter me into the UGC Beta Program Sweepstakes.”才有机会获得beta测试Also, this UGC Beta sign up is only open to US residents, as there is a separate process for other territories.We want to see what you can do, so don’t sleep on this. Keep in mind, the best of these missions will be handpicked by Sucker Punch to auto-populate into every user’s game world on or near the launch day of inFAMOUS 2. If that smells like win to you, then do your best to be creative, innovative, and to polish your mission(s) to the quality of a shipping title. Beta participants will lead the way at launch, but once the game is released, the floodgates open for mission designers around the globe to Become FAMOUS.还有,这个beta的注册页只能在美国境内打开,不过我们也会去别的地方弄这个beta的。。。。。后面还有一堆废话。。。。总结:去 inFAMOUSthegame.com 可以注册,运气好的话可以拿到beta,不过只限美国。 不过别的地区也会有。。。刚才看了一下,欧洲,澳洲也会有。。。
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