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[业界] 任天堂在线收费服务WiiWare规格太落后,世嘉放弃索尼克CD登录Wii

发表于 2011-8-30 12:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Wiiware’s 40mb file size once again poses a problem for downloadable titles – as the upcoming Sonic CD port will not be released on Nintendo’s home console.
It was only recently that SEGA announced they would be remaking Sonic CD for XBLA, PSN, PC and various mobile platforms. But notice one significant absence on that list? The Wiiware version.

Considering how much SEGA pushes Sonic on the Nintendo platform (i.e Mario and Sonic at various Olympic games events) it may seem rather odd that the Sonic CD remake will be skipping Nintendo’s flagship consoles. Unfortunately, the reason for this lies within Wiiware’s file size limits.

Wiiware games can only have a maximum file size of 40mb. The Sonic CD remake is more than 80mb in size. Unless SEGA does some serious compression to lower the file size, Sonic CD probably won’t see a release on the Wii. Though if SEGA does decide to compress the game, the title could still suffer – considering the other versions of the game will be uncompressed.

Super Meat Boy developer Team Meat also shared similar concerns regarding the Wiiware file size limits, stating it was that reason why they cancelled the Wii version of Super Meat Boy.

If this is an indication of anything it’s that Nintendo needs to get its act together regarding online services for the Wii U. The file size limit for the Wii U needs to either be removed – or, obviously, dramatically increased. The 40mb file size is of course due to the Wii lacking any real support for a hard drive option – unlike its HD counterparts. No doubt Nintendo will have to remedy this problem, so designers can develop Wii U downloadable titles without feeling constrained by file size limits.

PSN, XBLA and various PC services are all great places for downloadable titles to flourish. With Sony investing 20 million dollars to help indie develpers on PSN, as well as Microsoft’s Summer of Arcade, not to mention Steam’s regular sale content, developers have plenty of outlets and methods for advertising their games.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-30 12:35 | 显示全部楼层
任天堂在线收费服务WiiWare由于技术限制,文件大小上限为40MB,导致世嘉的Sonic CD 只能放弃登录任天堂的Wii主机。
世嘉宣布Sonic CD除取消WiiWare平台外,将登陆XBLA, PSN, 电脑(Steam平台),安卓,苹果ios,Windows智能手机等等众多平台。

  世嘉解释道:放弃Wii平台是因为WiiWare最大限制文件大小是40MB,而Sonic CD的大小超过了80MB。就算采取火星压缩科技也无法将Sonic CD缩到40MB,因为我们要保证品质。

  业界而言,不单单世嘉对任天堂的WiiWare落后规格表示遗憾,《超级食肉男孩》(Super Meat Boy)开发组也曾经因为这规格限制,取消了《超级食肉男孩》登录Wii平台。


  对于PSN,,XBLA,steam等等,丰富多彩的下载方式极大的丰富着这些平台,诸如索尼2千万资金注入到PSN去帮助独立制作人去开发PSN内容,微软的的Summer of Arcade活动,电脑上Steam平台丰富的付费下载内容等等,而任天堂的诚意度却远远不够,无论从开发者角度还是用户角度。
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