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[业界] GDC:索尼在线《无尽的任务》获荣誉殿堂奖

发表于 2011-10-13 11:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sony Online Entertainment's landmark game, EverQuest, has been inducted into the Game Developers Choice Online Awards Hall of Fame. As the Hall's second inductee, joining Ultima Online, EverQuest (EQ) is being recognized for its contribution to the long-term advancement of online gaming, pioneering major shifts in the medium's development and video games as a whole. EverQuest is credited for introducing the concepts of guilds and raiding within an online world, and is often cited as an inspiration for nearly every subsequent MMORPG.

A trailblazer within the MMO and online game genres, SOE's work with EverQuest has continually been recognized by leaders in both the entertainment and video game industries -- including such honors as a 2006 Walk of Game selection and 2008 Technology & Engineering Emmy Award. To date, EverQuest has released 17 expansions, spanning from The Ruins of Kunark in April 2000 to House of Thule in October 2010, with the new Veil of Alaris expansion set for later this year -- a feat which holds true to the franchise's promise of rich, continuous content for the SOE community to enjoy.

"When we set out to create EverQuest, many felt it was an unattainable stretch of the imagination. As it turns out, EverQuest exceeded even our wildest expectations. Twelve years later, we are about to release its 18th expansion, and have big plans for its future," said John Smedley, President, Sony Online Entertainment. "We are incredibly proud of its impact on the industry and the community we have built. Tonight's honor is a testament to the hard working individuals who have contributed to EverQuest -- both past and present."

Just how much ground has EverQuest covered since its launch in 1999? More than 16,000 virtual square miles of dungeons, mountains, plains, valleys, cities and forests. Even more, 12+ million player-generated characters have been added to EverQuest to date, with more than 380,000 non-player characters amongst the population as well. Players have also been given access to more than 100,000 unique items to discover, create or buy in game, with nearly 3,000 yet to be discovered.
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-13 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
EverQuest Inducted into GDC Online Hall of Fame
《无尽的任务》荣获得GDC Online荣誉殿堂大奖

索尼在线推出的地标性游戏,《无尽的任务》获得在线游戏开发者大会(GDC Online)的荣誉殿堂大奖。作为第二个获得荣誉殿堂大奖的游戏,《无尽的任务》(EQ)是实至名归的,其贡献在于长远发展在线游戏,具有开创性的发展甚至对于整个视频游戏界。《无尽的任务》是率先把行会和突袭概念引入到在线游戏世界,并被认为影响了后来几乎每一个同类型的游戏。

作为MMO在线游戏的开拓者,索尼在线的《无尽的任务》被公认在娱乐和视频游戏产业的领导者地位——获得了诸多荣誉,包括2006 Walk of Game selection和2008 Technology & Engineering Emmy Award。迄今,《无尽的任务》已经发布了17个游戏资料扩展包,涵盖从The Ruins of Kunark(2000四月)至House of Thule(2010十月)最新的Veil of Alaris也将在今年末发布——这一系列的支持举措使得游戏内容不断丰富,给玩家带来新的享受。

“当我们开始创造《无尽的任务》时,许多人认为它是一个可以把想象力无尽发挥的游戏。它甚至超出了我们的期望。十二年后,我们即将发布第十八资料片,并且在未来还有很宏伟的计划,”John Smedley索尼在线总裁如是说。”我们感到非常骄傲,《无尽的任务》其影响在业界得到了共识。今晚的荣誉是属于为《无尽的任务》辛勤工作的每个人——无论是过去还是现在。”

附上GDC Online 2011各个奖项和获奖游戏名单:
The Winners

Hall of Fame
EverQuest (Sony Online Entertainment)

Best Online Visual Arts
DC Universe Online (Sony Online Entertainment)

Best Social Network Game
Gardens of Time (Playdom)

Best Online Game Design
Spiral Knights (Three Rings Design/Sega)

Online Innovation
Shadow Cities (Grey Area)

Best Online Technology
Rift (Trion Worlds)

Best Community Relations
Minecraft (Mojang)

Best Audio for an Online Game
Clone Wars Adventures (Sony Online Entertainment)

Best New Online Game
Rift (Trion Worlds)

Best Live Game
Minecraft (Mojang)

Audience Award
Wizard101 (KingsIsle Entertainment)

Online Game Legend
John Taylor and Kelton Flinn (creators of Island of Kesmai)
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