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[专栏] 【069】绝版好书:Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms

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现代汉语词典(第 4、5、6、7 版)
出版品不再印行出版。 如:「這本書已經絕版了,所以必須善加保存。」
/ˈsınəˌnım/ noun, pl -nyms [count]
1. : a word that has the same meaning as another word in the same language 同义词
» “Small” and “little” are synonyms. small 和 little 是同义词。
‣ often + for or of
» Can you think of a synonym for “original”? 你能想个 original 的同义词吗?
» “Small” is a synonym of “little.” small 是 little 的同义词
opposite ↑antonym
2. : a word, name, or phrase that very strongly suggests a particular idea, quality, etc.
‣ + for
» He is a tyrant whose name has become a synonym for oppression. 他是一个暴君,他的名字已变成了压迫的同义词。
宋丹丹   2014-1-7 05:06
娱乐圈 33 年,越老胆子越小。名利带来的膨胀渐渐退去,发现太多满腹经纶博学多才的人散落各个角落无缘成名成家,我们只是太幸运。。时时提醒自己闭嘴,要不叫人笑话。
昨天提到兰登书屋的词典,不可谓不优秀,出版社实力全世界数一数二,却也放弃词典产品线久矣,好在其拳头词典版权授予给了其他网站、出版社,像 Random House Webster College Dictionary,目前正在翻译为其他语种(最先是葡萄牙语,我觉得肯定是会有中文译本的);Dictionary.com 对 Random House Unabridged Dictionary 的维护,也是很积极。
今天介绍下 Merriam-Webster 的一本绝版词典 —— Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms ,中文名可叫《韦氏同义词词典》。
  • 1942 - 1951 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms
  • 1968, 1971, 1973… Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
  • 1984? Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms
  • 1984 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms, 940-page

1942 年,以 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms 为名出版。1966 年 W3 (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged )出版,编辑们终于腾出手来,修订了这本词典,改名 Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms 。W3 主编 PHILIP B. GOVE(1902–1972) 为本典撰写了前言(Preface)。

WEBSTER’S NEW DICTIONARY OF SYNONYMS is newly edited and entirely reset but based upon Webster’s Dictionary of Synonyms, which rapidly became a favorite book among readers and writers who wish to understand, appreciate, and make nice discriminations in English words that are similar in meaning. The earlier book filled a widespread need for a work devoted to synonymy with accessory material in the form of word lists of various kinds. The editors of this new and revised edition have rewritten and sharpened the discriminations, have increased the number of articles, and have more than doubled the number of authors quoted. Particular attention has been given to updating the quotations so that they accurately reflect today’s English.
All of these editors took part in the editing of Webster’s Third New International Dictionary.

1984 年版,重新命名为 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms ,书前 Preface 未变,但是加了一句话。
[Note: The following is the original Preface which has appeared in this book since its publication in 1968 under the title Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms.]
1994 年,国防工业出版社出版了王正元主编的《英语同义词辨析大词典》,几乎就是 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms 的翻译版。不过翻译、校对质量都很一般,尤其是书内频现的拼写错误,让人不能忍,不过这本词典和它的蓝本同样的命运,绝版久矣。
如何评价 940 页的 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms 呢?

本典收词之丰富,解释之翔实,例句之丰富,堪称同义词词典里的 W3 。看看目录。
  • Preface 4a
  • Introductory Matter

    • Survey of the History of English Synonymy 5a
    • Synonym : Analysis and Definition 23a
    • Antonym : Analysis and Definition 26a
    • Analogous and Contrasted Words 30a

  • Explanatory Notes 32a
  • A Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms . 1
  • Appendix : List of Authors Quoted 887

1934 年,[W2]Webster’s New International Dictionary 2nd Edition 出版,某些版本附上了多达 400 页的 A Reference History of the World ,算是词典编年史。在 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms ,韦氏公司也保留了这种做法,多达 25 页的 Introductory Matter,详细论述了从 18 世纪到 1942 年的英语同义词研究。
1984 年以后,没有查到 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms  更多版本信息,倒是出版了几部小一些的同义词词典,从内容看,都有这部巨著的影子。

  • 1987 Webster’s Compact Dictionary of Synonyms, 374-page

  • 1994 The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms, 448-page

  • 1995 Merriam-Webster’s Pocket Guide to Synonyms, 368-page

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms
► outright, out-and-out, unmitigated, arrant mean without limit or qualification.
► Outright implies that what is described has gone to the extreme and can be made neither better nor worse or is past recall .
► Out-and-out applies to what is completely as described at all times or in every part or from every point of view .
► Unmitigated applies to what is or seems to be so utterly what it is as to be beyond the possibility of being lessened, softened, or relieved .
► Arrant applies to something that is all that is implied by the term, usually a term of abuse, that follows .
Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms
outright adj
► Outright, out-and-out, unmitigated, arrant are comparable when they are used hyperbolically as meaning not limited or qualified. They are often used interchangeably as intensives, but there are clear differences in meaning.
► What is outright has gone to the extreme and can be made neither better nor worse or is past recall
»  he is an outright fool
»  you speak outright nonsense
»  torture more unmerciful than outright killing
► What is out-and-out is completely as described at all times or in every part or from every point of view
»  an out-and- out fraud
»  an out-and-out villain
»  an out-and-out blessing
► What is unmitigated is or seems to be so utterly what it is as to be beyond the possibility of being lessened, softened, or relieved
»  an unmitigated evil
»  unrequited affections are in youth unmitigated woes— L. P. Smith
► What is arrant is all that is implied by the term that follows (usually a term of abuse)
»  an arrant coward
»  an arrant hypocrite
»  an arrant liar
► outright, out-and-out, unmitigated, arrant 均带有夸张意味, 指不受限制或拘束, 常可互用, 但在意义上仍有区别。
► outright 指极端的完全彻底, 好则不能再好, 坏也不能更坏, 含有无法挽回的意思:
» He is an outright fool / 他是一个十足的大笨蛋
» You speak outright nonsense / 你的话全是一派胡言
» torture more unmerciful than outright killing / 半死不活地折磨人要比一刀杀了他更为残忍
» That statement was an outright lie / 那个说法是彻头彻尾的谎言。
► out-and-out 指全部和十足的意思, 与 outright 意义相近:
» an out-and-out fraud / 一个大骗子
» an out-and-out villain / 一个十足的无赖
» an out-and-out blessing / 衷心的祝福
» She called him an out-and-out cad because of his conduct / 她称他是个大无赖, 因为他行为不端。
► unmitigated 指不能再减少、缓和或减轻了:
» an unmitigated evil / 纯粹的罪恶
» Unrequited affections are in youth unmitigated woes / 青年人得了单相思病是十足的灾难。
► arrant 也指完全彻底的意思, 但后面跟的名词一般都是贬义的:
» an arrant coward / 一个胆小如鼠的懦夫
» an arrant hypocrite / 一个十足的伪君子
» an arrant liar / 一个撒谎大王。
Merriam-Webster 也有专门出版 thesaurus ,注意 thesaurus 不仅包括同义词,还有反义词内容,事实上,虽然 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms 名为同义词词典,其实也是有反义词内容的。
  • 1976 Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus
  • 2010 Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus, Second Edition

看看,34 年才更新到第 2 版,会有第 3 版吗?

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