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[业界] 次世代主机时代快要到来,开发商心情如何?三个字:哦,上帝....

发表于 2012-2-10 11:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
From a gamer standpoint, everyone wants Microsoft or Sony to announce a new console.  Whether it be an Xbox 720, or PS4, actual gamers are ready.  Now developers on the other hand, aren't quite so eager for the switch.  Depending on who you ask, there's always a different answer.  Some say there's more left to squeeze out of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, others say it's time for a new console.

Ian Frazier, the lead designer for Kingdoms of Amalur, gave us some insight on just why developers aren't so eager to hop on the Xbox 720 bandwagon.

"As a player, I'd love another generation of Xbox," Frazier told OXM at a preview event. "I feel like we've been pushing this technology for a really long time, and I'd love to jump to the next level, the Xbox 720 or whatever it ends up being."

Gamers are ready for improved graphics, faster processing, and just an overall change in the current gaming industry.  Be it the Wii U's tablet controller, or the graphical power of the Xbox 720 or PS4, gamers are eager to see what the future has in store.

But for a developer, this means an entirely new system to have to learn and develop for.  And as eager as Frazier may be to work on games for a new console, he does point out that a new system means less stabilization - which is why many developers prefer things to remain par with the Xbox console.

"As a developer? It's really nice having a stabilized platform. Especially with the Xbox, it's so solidified, people know it so well - it's just really, really easy to develop for at this point," Frazier explained.

"So as a player I say 'Yeah, let's bring on the next generation!'. But as a developer, I'm like 'Oh god, no, please, let's all stay the same,'" he added.

Frazier isn't alone in his fears of moving to the next-gen.  Even Naughty Dog co-president Evan Wells admitted the next-gen console is a "double-edged sword".

In an interview with Eurogamer back in December, Frazier explained, "When you're going to new technology, every day is a slog, progress is slow and it really takes a different kind of attitude and mentality to get through that kind of push and it's not right for everybody."

So while the geek in all of us are ready and excited for a new console, the more logical developer side is that the switch to the next-gen won't be as easy as we all want it to be.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-2-10 11:12 | 显示全部楼层
从玩家的角度来看,每个人都希望微软或索尼宣布一台新的游戏机,无论是Xbox 720或PS4什么的,玩家早已经准备好了。然而对于众多开发商而言,则没有那么快进行机种交换的渴望。这取决于谁你问,不同的人总是有不同的答案。有人说现在还可以更多的榨取X360X和PS3的剩余潜力,而也有人说现在的确到了一个改朝换代的时候了。

Kingdoms of Amalur的首席设计师伊恩·弗雷泽,给了我们解释了一些为什么开发商不那么渴望Xbox 720的出现。


玩家已经准备好接受改进的图形,更快的处理速度,以及目前游戏行业的整体变化。不管它是Wii U的平板控制器,或在Xbox 720或PS4的强大的绘图能力,玩家们渴望看到未来的商店里会有怎样的东西。





发表于 2012-2-10 13:14 | 显示全部楼层
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